Friday, June 7, 2013

Oak Cliff Film Festival Double Feature

If you're in the DF/W Metroplex tonight and find yourself all revved up with no place to go, head over to the wonderful Texas Theatre where my brother will be presenting a 35 mm print of McCabe and Ms. Miller at 7:00 PM. Following that, he will also be hosting a "secret screening," which is something surely not to be missed. 

I loved McCabe and Ms. Miller when I first saw it in 2010, but I've yet to return to it. It'll be interesting to see how it holds up. I remember it quite well, and consider it to be one of the saddest and most beautiful stories ever told. But I'm curious as to how it plays on a second viewing. I'm looking more for the subtitles in Altman's direction, the effectiveness of the Leonard Cohen soundtrack, and the smaller moments that I didn't consider in 2010. Roger Ebert writes:

Life is cheap here. The film shows one of the most heartbreaking deaths in the history of the Western. A goofy kid (Keith Carradine) has ridden into town and visited all the girls in the house. Now he has started across a suspension bridge. A young gunslinger approaches from the other side and cold-bloodedly talks him into being shot to death. The kid knows he is going to get shot. He tries to be friendly and ingratiating, but the time has come. The town looks on, impassive. You don't want to be caught on a bridge facing a guy like that. We realize at the end of the film that this episode on the bridge is the whole story in microcosm: Some people are just incapable of not getting themselves killed.

When you read Ebert's Great Movie review of the film, you simply feel the need to watch it again to see the amazing things he describes so perfectly. That scene in particular is important specifically for tonight, because Keith Carradine will be in attendance. Be there. It's gonna be a great night.

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