Friday, August 22, 2014

Fall, 2014

There's a lot of really great titles coming to theaters this fall movie season, and I plan to elaborate in a separate post on the films I'm especially excited for. The Playlist just put out their most anticipated list, and sure enough, smack dab in the middle is Listen Up, Philip, the third feature from the astoundingly gifted Alex Ross Perry. It hits the big screen Oct. 17. It played at Sundance, and is now primed for an ideal release during my personal favorite movie-going month of the year. The movie's one of those rare features that truly invests itself in all aspects of its existence. Coming from Perry, it's no shocker that the dialogue and the characters are worthy of extreme scrutinization; at the same time, there's no way to watch this and not take in the nearly beguiling costume designs, multi-generation-encompassing sets, and one of the truly great whip-pans this side of Wes Anderson.

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