Sunday, August 10, 2014

Premiere Video!

I recently started working at Whole Earth Provision Co. (a great place, by the way, and will serve as a wonderful getaway from campus come the fall semester). I work at the Mockingbird location in Dallas, which is perfect, because across the street is the Angelika Film Center, and-even better-right next door is Premiere Video, the largest video store in TX. I've always wanted to rent from them, but, living in Irving, it wasn't worth the twenty minute drive to return the movies. Now that I'll be in the area several times a week, I can finally be a frequenter of the store. 

In an age when so many people are consuming movies and television via online streaming or downloading, it's quite rewarding to shop around in an old fashioned video store that carries just about every title you could think of (from foreign to domestic, to silent to all the new releases). I currently subscribe to the Netflix DVD service, and yet I've grown increasingly frustrated by how many titles I want that they simply do not have, and that if there is something I'd like, it's not in a nearby shipping center, which means a much longer wait for the film (currently every title on my queue is listed as very long wait). 

Thus, I'm thinking of stopping the Netflix service for now and sticking with Premiere Video for the time being, especially considering the fact that I rented from them for the first time yesterday and found several of the titles that Netflix doesn't even carry. I rented five films, all of which I'm dying to see: Clash by Night, Letter From an Unknown Woman, Southern Comfort, Blue Caprice, and Pickup on South StreetHaving just finished four straight days work, I'm looking forward to next two, in which I won't have to work and will have time to see some movies.

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